Yes, this post is about god. Sue me.
Its not targeted at any religion, its just a short debate thats been going on in my head.
Omniscience VS Free Will
We all know that many religions hold god as omniscient. Which is fair enough, you believe what you want. But then those same people believe that we have free will. This, you ignorant bastards, is contradictory! Free will would mean that god DOESNT know whats gonna happen next!
Lets take an example. We have a guy, called John. Nice fellow. My physics teacher's name is John, but this is another John. He's also nice, but a bit overweight. And he's a whiz with computers, though his FIFA skills need some help.
SO anyway, back on track! Theres' this fellow called John, and he has just been confronted with a choice. A or B.
Scenario 1: God knows all.
Now if god knows all, then he knows which one John will chose. Right? So if he knows, that means that John's choice was written down in stone, foretold, pre-ordained, before he made it! Right? So lets say god KNOWS John will chose A. John HAS to chose A! He has no other choice, because its his destiny, you could say (dramatic, but the word captures the meaning just right.). So if John HAD to chose A, that means he had no real say in the matter. Because whatever happens, no matter what he does, he is GOING to chose A.
Now this means Johnny boy here has no free will. No choice in the matter!
I personally think this is a ridiculous scenario. Because this would mean that we're all SLAVES who have no choice in our lives (YOU can be a slave if you want to, there's no way some greater being determines my life). Also, if this god knows how we will live our lives, why let us live? He could just judge us and get it over with.
If you disagree, please leave a comment and point out where my logic failed. I shall destroy you in my next post.
Scenario 2: God does NOT know all!
Oh my. Blasphemy. Sacrilege. I insulted god! Oh yeah, attack me because of that and show the world how shallow you are!
Anyway. If John has free will, that means there are equal chances of him choosing A or B. Which is in itself the definition of free will! But this means the great and mighty god doesnt know what John will chose(because it's only decided the instant John chooses), and thus god is NOT all knowing and not almighty! Very powerful, maybe, but if you want to have free will, ladies and gentlemen, god CANNOT be omniscient.
There you go. I didnt come to my own conclusion, because thats my own, if you have any brains you'll come to your own conclusion. BUt i dont want to hear anymore idiots going around saying, God is almighty! But i CHOOSE to say that! Because if that sounds like you, well, you're an idiot.
And i hate idiots.
Screw out.
Trying something new
5 years ago
Then there's scenario C), that God knows all possible scenarios, and which path taken is determined by the chooser, who cannot possibly comprehend all of the possible paths the he/she can choose. But God can, 'cause, hell, it's God.
God > human brain
Very smart. That was my conclusion too, nice to see i have an intelligent reader!
^_^ Thanks. I always love talking about stuff like that - it makes my brain all tingly!
In scenario A, the same happened in Genesis, when god told eve and adam not to eat the fruit from the one tree in the center. When he told them that, he already knew that they were going to do it. Why was he so mad when they ate it? he already new it was going to happen.
In other words, Morgan's Scenario 3 is the same with Scenario 1.
To be fair, his scenario means there is free will, just that the omniscient yahweh knows your call before you make it. But as Raphael here pointed out, why bother preaching if you already know what is going to happen? Why EVANGELISE or SAVE souls, as it were, if they were already doomed to hell?
There is a 4th Scenario: God knows all, including your choices before you make them. It can influence you since yahweh can do anything and sometimes helps provide faith and sometimes it doesn't. Why does it play this game? Simple answer: yahweh's evil. Or at least, not kind, tolerant and loving.
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