Friday, 11 January 2008

On frustration.

It's past one in the morning, and here i am, blogging like an idiot.
I cant sleep.

But i've got jack shit to do online too.

Basically. I've got nothing to do at all.

I'm so frustrated.

I've got stuff to do, i could read, stone infront of the tv, sleep.... But something is missing! Nothing feels right.

My wrist burns. Stupid injury. Got it last year (no, wait, now thats the year before last), playing futsal for college, goalkeeping. The initial hit wasnt too bad, some chump blasted it at point blank, and i -accidently- got my palm in the way, spraining my wrist pretty badly. Then it just so happened that a girl i was dying to impress was in the crowd, so i told the St John's fellows to just spray the wrist down. And i continued playing with my numb sprained wrist taking numerous blows.

After THAT, i felt pain. Couldnt use it for three months.

And now its back, gnawing at my hand when i move it akwardly. It makes guitar playing nearly impossible, and typing alot harder than it should have been.

All in all, its not helping my current situation.

BAck to that!

I'm terribly frustrated. Just sitting at home, watching my precious time slip away... As Kipling said:
"If you can fill the unforgiving minute,
With sixty seconds worth of distance run,
Yours is the world, and everything in it;
Whats more, you'll be a man, my son."

Sadly, i havent been filling my unforgiving minutes. I've not been intellectually challenged (by anything interesting) for a while now, so my brain is rotting away. There was this little puzzle in this Artemis Fowl book, but it got boring fast. I'm not too good on word plays, i prefer actual information.

Creatively, well, nothing's been going right. Its like i've hit a rock, all my powers of unique invention have been stolen, my creative juices drained away. I've not had any good story inspirations for a while (like i finish any of my stories anyway), my music and lyrics composing has pretty much died (i still only have those five half songs i wrote), and though my ideas are flowing like never before, i just have no way to crystalise them.
Or maybe i'm not quite talented enough.

I dont know which is worse, being intellectually frustrated, or creatively disabled.

I know. Being sexually deprived.

Need i say more? I'm not getting within three feet of a girl, let alone laid. But then, i've never been so close to a girl, and when i think about it carefully, i'd actually prefer an interesting scientific dilemma or an interesting story over a girl.

Good grief, look at whats happenning to me!

I'm out of solutions. I cant find anything intelligent to occupy myself, and its impossible to force the creative process. I'm just gonna have to wait this slump out.

For now, i'll just drown myself in rock music.
Ahhhhh. Nirvana, both kinds.

1 comment:

ZB said...

OMG you really have a blog o.0