Wednesday, 23 April 2008

On Honour and Tolerance

There i was, waiting for my football match to start, when this one particular female sent me a message. Blah blah blah, how are you, yadda yadda yadda, i'm so happy with my boyfriend, blah blah blah.

You see, her boyfriend had recently come back from somewhere, and the reunion had been much anticipated, and they were apparently having a ball. Which is beyond fine, i hope to experience the same kind of reunion pretty soon.

But then, in the course of our conversation, she sent me a message that rather perturbed me. I almost quote (cause i delete every message i get so i'm reciting from memory): "He got into a fight with some guy for leering at me. And of course he won. i'm so proud of him. Sexy wild beast".

And this pissed me off (after i stopped puking). What fools they were! Fucking idiots! Some guy got beaten up because he looked at this girl. Her boyfriend attacked the poor sod simply because he checked the girl out, something every single one of us with dicks (and some of you without) is guilty of.

The perpertrator (or the victim?) had violated her honour, the girl said, in justification for her boyfriends actions, after i expressed my disgust. Her boyfriend commited a crime (assault isnt legal) simply because he, being the over protective ASSHOLE he was, felt that his girl's 'honour' had been outraged.


It made me angry beyond expression. How could this guy injure another guy simply because of a percieved wrong doing? How could this girl encourage it? Claim to love it? People like this, the narrow minded folk who think in the short term, who think 'me' only, they are the reason the world is in such a rut. All the wars, all the capitalism, all the poverty, its all because of people who act first and think later. The ones so eager to show off their 'love' or skill or expertise that they thoughtlessly run over 'expendable' bystanders.

She was so happy he beat up the unfortunate chap. Who takes such pleasure from some one else pain? Even i dont do that, and i have no morals. She felt that the boyfriend was showing his love for her. She'd want him to beat up more people! It excites them, it makes them feel special, it completes them.

And her excuse was her HONOUR! The boyfriend was defending her HONOUR! Are they fucked in the head? How does some guy looking at her damage her honour? Honour isnt about things like that, her version is a cruel corruption of the concept.

Honour is a code by which you hold yourself culpable for your actions, not one by which you punish other people! The boyfriend should've beaten himself up, if he really had any honour. And she would have let the leer (god, i'm talking about it like its a real crime) pass, if she had any real honour. Even if her 'honour' had been hurt, in the sense the fools think it, it still didnt give the boyfriend any right to react like that.


As you have probably realised, i'm as angry as i get. Its irresponsible, and immature, to do things like that, and just as bad if you encourage it. I really couldnt stand the self satisfied way she was talking about her boyfriends despicable actions, the way she hero worshipped the little prick for his little show of muscle. And i made her well aware of my distaste. I dont think we'll be talking anytime soon.

But in one of her last messages, she said something interesting. "You're my friend, you should accept me the way i am, you should be more tolerating."

Should i? Should i have just told her, 'thats great! he's such a loving guy' or some such comment, and gone on with life? Was i being intolerant? Unreasonable? A bad friend? God forbid, close minded?

It certainly sounded like that, from the things i was saying. I told her that they were immature fools. Real idiots. And that their mentality was disgusting. And that the way they thought was appaling. And that people like them were the reason world peace was only a dream.

Also that i didnt want to associate with people who thought like they did. That i'd hold her to this misdeed till she reviewed her ways.

Sounds so terrible, doesnt it.

But i didnt feel like i was doing anything wrong, and accordingly, i dont think i was. Where is that line drawn? Between standing up for your own morals, and being intolerant? Is there even a line? In the name of tolerance and acceptance, are you supposed to bend over your back to accomodate all sorts of imbeciles you find repulsive?

I certainly hope not. Because i just cannot concede to people who i feel are irresponsible or immature. If i think their ways are retarded, i'm going to say so, openly and frankly.
Am i intolerant?

If standing up for my ideas makes me so, then i guess i should be called intolerant, or close minded, or unaccepting.

I guess the difference would be, when you're expressing yourself you just give your own ideas, and keep it at that. Intolerance implies an attempt to change the other persons frame of mind. Perhaps thats intolerance.

But what does one do when the person in question is beyong logic and rationality? How do you teach someone the error of their ways, without being considered 'intolerant'? Its impossible.

Because some people just wont learn. Some people are just so wrong its impossible to tolerate their ideas. You HAVE to show them the real way, the proper way, and move them from their destructive tendencies. Some people really MUST be changed.

The question is, is it them?

Or is it me?

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