Yes, its me again. I'm still here.
Its been an interesting few months. We've seen the start of my clinical school, i've started living alone again (albeit still with a family of sorts, yes, with all the usual family stuff) and United had looked like losing the premier league, then looked like winning, then looked like losing again, and most recently even God himself probably doesnt know who's gonna win it this time.
Anyway, this post isnt about whats happening at the moment. Its more to christen a new segment in my somewhat inactive blogging life. I shall term this segment, yes, you guessed it, Life Lessons! As i look past towards my 19th birthday, and reach forward to embrace my twentieth year, i come to the realization that i'm not as young as i once was, all those many years ago. Quarter of my probable life has slipped away, without me really accomplishing anything (yeah, remember that list i posted a while back? Nothing.) Plus once you hit 20, its all downhill from there.
So being the optimist i am (yes, i saw the last paragraph too), i decided that these past 19 years havent all been wasted, just mostly. I've still learnt stuff from them, and will indeed continue to. So i thought, i've got a blog sitting there unused, why not use it. So here i shall proceed to record various lessons i've learnt throughout my life (thats where the name life lessons came from, see?), so that hopefully when i reach 80 i can look back here and do some quick revision before i shuffle off this mortal coil.
And without further adue, here's Life Lesson Number 1!
*Cue applause*
Life Lesson 1.
Lesson: Never give up a chance to go out and do something, just because you're lazy or feel like staying at home. Always go.
Explanation: Have you ever had an invitation to go out for dinner with some friends, but just as you get back from work/uni/college/work/my house, you feel too tired to go? Just a hint of sloth? You'd rather just sit on the couch and watch a bit of the idiot box, then retire to bed early?
If not, please teach me, oh great master.
If so, stifle the urge! Forget about the state of your tired body and dying mind, and go out with your friends! For dinner, for a movie, to church, whatever!
This is why: Lets take two scenarios - One, you go out. Would you ever wonder, 'hmm... I wonder what would've happened if i had stayed in and watched tv instead?' Hopefully not. Scenario two, you do give into your languid urges, and stay at home. You catch a bit of Die Hard they're showing on tv, then go off to bed. Now wouldnt you wonder, 'i wonder what the others are doing now? What would i be doing now if i had gone out?'
You'll almost never look back and wonder what would have happened if you had just stayed at home. On the other hand, who knows what experiences you miss out on, everytime you politely decline at invitation to go somewhere else.
I think i learnt this when i was a kid, when my mum used to try and get me to go to church or catechism. I used to refuse and throw tantrums till the poor woman either beat me with a stick, or went to church and prayed that a stick would fall on my head. But somehow or another, whenever i 'won' and managed to stay back and play my computer games, i'd always wonder how church was, and who had come, and whether anything interesting had happened. I always had this sensation of missing a huge opportunity, and knowing that i'd never get it back.
Obviously, this didnt happen when i went to church.
And even more obviously, nothing interesting ever really happened in church.
The point is, things MIGHT have happened. If i had stayed at home, i'd never have known. I went and found out.
Again, this is not exactly a 100% rule. I'm sure there will be times when i go out, and then wish whole heartedly i had just stayed at home and minded my own business. But thats probably the rare exception, and to this day i can say i havent regretted stirring from my lair and venturing out.
So anyway, thats my first life lesson. Barring a piano falling on me tomorrow, there will probably be more to come.
Screw out.
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